Djursland’s railway museum

Djursland's Railway Museum - from steam in 1876 to present-day light rail


Djursland's railway museum

In the village Ryomgård is a nostalgic little museum housed in the listed old coach house. Trains and carriages from a time when the railways had a significant impact on the development of society, both in terms of passenger transport and freight transport, are on display.

jernbanemuseet remisen

Locally rooted

The museum was established in 1981 and got its natural home here, as Ryomgård has been a railway hub for the lines to Randers, Århus, Gjerrild and Grenå almost from the beginning of railway in Djursland.

From past to present

The Randers - Ryomgård - Grenaa railway was the first to be opened in 1876, and the Århus - Ryomgård line followed a year later. In 1911, the private railway Ryomgård - Gjerrild was added.

In addition, items from the private railway Ebeltoft - Trustrup are exhibited so that all Djursland's different railway lines are covered.

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